Reaching Others

UB Groundwater Research Group

We’re under construction! In the meantime, please visit the pages for UB groundwater researchers:

Richelle M. Allen-King

Professor of Geology

Expertise: geochemical processes that control the fate and transport of contaminants in ground and surface waters.

Berat Haznedaroglu

Assistant Professor of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering

Expertise: environmental microbiology, bioenergy, pathogen transport, phytoremediation.

Igor Jankovic

Associate Professor of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering

Expertise: groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling, analytic element method, stochastic hydrogeology. Software: Split, GTRAN3D, SITI.

Christopher Lowry

Assistant Professor of Geology

Expertise: physical hydrogeology, groundwater/surface-water interactions, crowd-source hydrology, energy production and water resources.

L. Shawn Matott

Computational Scientist, UB Center for Computational Research

Expertise: simulation/optimization, uncertainty analysis. Software: OSTRICH, ISOFIT, NIGHTHAWK, PIGEON.

Alan J. Rabideau

Professor of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering

Expertise: subsurface remediation, groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling, model calibration, permeable reactive barriers, phytoremediation, ecological restoration. Software: MOUSER, ARCAEM.

James Craig (alum)

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University at Waterloo

Expertise: numerical and analytical methods for modeling groundwater flow, subsurface contaminant transport, surface water, and the surface water / groundwater interface. Software: Visual AEM.

Karl Bandilla (alum)

Associate Professional Specialist, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Expertise: environmental engineering and water resources. Software: ROBIN.

For more information, contact Professor Alan J. Rabideau: rabideau at buffalo dot edu